Jonna Brewer

Host, Information Morning CBC Moncton

What are you most proud of professionally? And who or why?

In an ever-changing, ever-growing media landscape, people are still tuning in to our morning show for local news and interviews, and trust us to accurately and fairly reflect what is happening in our region and around the world. As a host, trust is key in building a relationship with my audience. I love hearing from people that the questions I'm asking are the ones they're asking. Then I know I'm doing my job.

What's your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

An inclusive, strong, cross-generational workforce that reflects who we've been and who we're becoming. A great example is what is happening in our agriculture sector. Food security is becoming a major global issue and I see more and more young people taking over family farms or starting new ones, with the environment and sustainability at the heart of their operations along with a strong sense of community (i.e. bringing local food to schools).

What was your greatest stage of growth?  What made it a shift for you? 

My greatest stage of growth has been as a radio host. I cut my journalism teeth as a reporter in the field, but applying all those skills in a live setting has been an incredible learning experience. There's a balance between journalistic rigour and being "human." You have to be brave about the questions, persistent about getting the answers and empathetic when you're asking someone to talk about deeply personal issues.

What's your favourite or most read book or podcast? Now or at each of your greatest stages of growth?

Favourite book? Tough one! Among my faves, is Malcolm Gladwell's ‘What The Dog Saw’. It always reminds me of the importance of looking at the world through the eyes of others, questioning everything and the dangers of making assumptions.

What's your deepest learning from this past year? How did/will you apply it?

This is going to make me sound old, but it's making the shift in my mind from radio to digital. I've embraced social platforms, love the engagement, connections and stories they bring. But when it comes to my work, I still catch myself thinking that I am communicating solely in a radio medium. Of course people are listening to us now in all sorts of ways and at different times of day and that's exciting. And that has changed the way we tell stories. It's all about video, TOV, Instagram and Snapchat. But I don't think radio will ever die. IMO, you can't beat the intimacy of that medium.

Who's inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

That's a no-brainer - my three daughters. They've always been a source of pride and joy and I have strived to be a role model to them. Now watching them become strong, independent women who have overcome challenges, who care deeply about the people and the world around them...they're MY role models now!

What would you have done differently?

I really can't think of anything. I am happy with the choices and decisions I've made in my life and relieved that the risks I've taken have paid off!

What were your priorities and how did they help you overcome some of the struggles you've faced? What motivated you to make the choices you've made? What are the principles you live by?

To be true to myself. To challenge myself without getting in over my head. And when things get tough, don't be stubborn and proud. Ask for help. It's better than looking foolish.

How have you recovered from fractured professional relationships? 

By admitting I made a mistake or didn't handle a situation properly. Acknowledgement and accountability go a long way.


Journalist, Broadcaster, Radio Host, Music lover, Writer, Foodie, Swimmer, Traveller, Locavore

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