Joy Chiekwe

Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Masters Student

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Joy grew up in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia and is a proud child of two Nigerian immigrant parents. Growing up, Joy was always taught the value of hardwork and leaving a lasting impact on people’s lives from a gentle smile to sharing her skills. She grew up playing sports for fun and fell in love with challenging her body to perform better each day. Joy graduated from Acadia University’s Kinesiology program in 2018 and is now in her first year of her Masters at Dalhousie University focusing on exercise oncology in the Black community. During her time at Acadia, she learned the importance of physical activity and exercise as you age and as well in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. For the last 3 years, Joy has been overseeing exercise programs for cancer patients and survivors through Nova Scotia Health, and also coordinated other satellite programs for cancer patients and survivors across the Atlantic provinces. Joy is a firm believer of using exercise as a form of medicine to improve one’s overall quality of life.


What are you most proud of professionally? And who or why?

Professionally, I am most proud of creating and bringing awareness to my position as a clinical exercise physiologist (CEP) within the Halifax region and Nova Scotia Health. As a CEP I work with clinical patients to improve and/or manage their disease or comorbidities through exercise, physical activity and behaviour change. In Halifax, we have a large population of older adults and individuals living with preventable diseases, causing our health care system to be inundated with patients. I am proud that I have been able to create a position that lets physicians and other healthcare providers know that their patients have other options than medications and surgery. I am most proud of the exercise programs for cancer patients and survivors. The survival rate for cancer patients is continually increasing, but the adverse effects from treatments are not. Being able to implement exercise in the cancer care continuum is something me and my supervisors are very proud of.

What’s your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

In 10 years, I see Atlantic Canada as the hub for tourism, safety and hospitality. With the strange times we are in and the success we have had in controlling the spread of COVID, I see the Atlantic provinces being the place to live and vacation.

What was your greatest stage of growth? What made it a shift for you?

I think I am still in my greatest stage of growth. At 24, I've had many great experiences that have led me to my current position in health and wellness and academia. I am always being reminded by my peers that growth is truly a mindset. I choose every day to build on what I did yesterday.

What’s your favourite or most read book or podcast? Now or at each of your greatest stages of growth?

I read Looking for Alaska by John Greene when I was 15 and it is still my favourite book to this day.
I enjoy listening to the podcasts Girls Gotta Eat, Unpack and Bouncepack and Brilliant Idiots.

What’s your deepest learning from this past year? How did/will you apply it?

Covid showed me the importance of adaptability. Being adaptable was always a learning point in my academic career due to the populations I work with, though I never applied it to a business. I adapted by engaging patients and clients through online platforms and learned to hold value to my knowledge and expertise in my field. I knew that even if there was nowhere to physically see my clients, I could still make an impact on their lives through screens.

Who’s inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

If I had to pick, I would say Dr. Jonathon Fowles from Acadia University inspired me to become a clinical exercise physiologist and my godmother Lynn Jones, inspired me to be an advocate in every room I walk in.

What would you have done differently?

Not a thing!

What are the principles you live by?

Education, Discipline and Optimism are 3 core values I implement in everything I do. When I make choices with those in mind, I can never regret anything.


Personal Trainer, Coach, Student, Entrepreneur, Advocate, Athlete, Friendly, Easy-going