Sara Adams

Teacher / Creativity & Mindfulness Facilitator


Sara Adams is a bilingual educator, passionate about helping people and the transformative influence of the arts and mindfulness in both education and one's life in general. A lifelong learner, Sara finds encouraging others to develop and reach their potential very satisfying. Sara volunteers and advocates for a variety of arts-based organizations including Dance Nova Scotia, Visual Arts Nova Scotia, and AfterWords Literary Festival, among others.

As a full-time teacher and mother of two pre-schoolers, I am no stranger to burnout. The ever-growing demands on public school teachers combined with a pandemic and the unrelenting demands of parenting have renewed in me a desire for better balance in my life. I have spent many years studying mindfulness, trauma and mindful movement practices and wish to share these tools with others. This is a journey that I wish to take with like-minded people. Together, we can work towards a more mindful, peaceful and fulfilled life.


What are you most proud of professionally? And who or why?

I love seeing someone's inner fire sparked with inspiration. That moment when someone finds their passion or true calling and truly connects with what I'm sharing.

What’s your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

With the housing boom we are currently experiencing, I am hoping we don't lose our slower pace of life (as compared to other big cities). In 10 years, I'm hoping we can still preserve our public spaces, live mindfully and welcome others to move to our region and do the same.

What was your greatest stage of growth? What made it a shift for you?

I have been burning the candle at both ends for a long time - going through the cycle of burnout, anxiety and depression. It was after I had my children that I chose to make some real changes. Not only do I find it more and more difficult to achieve balance when there is no "down time" to life's demands, but I was also seeing the effect this was having on my children. My oldest in particular is a tiny version of myself, mirroring what I used to be: full of life and vibrancy and enthusiasm; she shines. I want to preserve that in her. I don't want her to be traumatized into dousing her flame and that means I need to heal myself.

What’s your favourite or most read book or podcast? Now or at each of your greatest stages of growth?

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein was an excellent read that I recommend to everyone. Although it is fiction, it holds many nuggets of wisdom that I equate to my learning in mindfulness and Yoga. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert was also an excellent book that I needed to read at the time it came out and I thoroughly recommend it as well. My favourite podcast is The Insomnia Project - for anyone who has difficulty sleeping, I highly recommend it.

What’s your deepest learning from this past year? How did/will you apply it?

The importance of listening and compassion when confronted with conflict. Conflict often arises because people don't feel seen and heard. Actively listening and empathizing goes a long way. I don't like confrontation and so this is something I am working on: using my compassion to diffuse these situations.

Who’s inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

Many people have inspired me. The person that has inspired me most over the past year is Anne Berubé. Her ability to see people to their core and remain grounded and guide others to do the same is admirable! I hope one day to help and inspire others the way she inspires me.

What would you have done differently?

I am a reflective person. Some might say I dwell or ruminate on past experiences too much. This is all to say that there are many times that I wish I had handled situations differently or gone a different way. BUT I try to remind myself that these experiences are what brought me here. I learned something from each of those experiences and as long as I've learned something, they aren't really mistakes but opportunities for growth.


Educator, Dancer, Artist, Mindfulness practitioner, Nutritional consultant, Writer, Doula, Francophile

Amplify East